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20 10:33:49

Dear Kim,

I have my black lab mix for 4 years, and a couple weeks ago i got a poodle. My lab tends to shed a lot so i don't let him go upstairs but i do let my poodle. Should i change this? Or is this bad for my lab. ? Do you think he is feeling unwanted ?

My new poodle is called Sammie and i have a problem with him. He won't go #2 ( if you know what i mean) outside. at all. i take him out for an hour and nothing. only once in a while. he is now making my lab. do the same thing and he is very trained. what should i do ?

one more question...
my poodle tends to not eat a lot. I serve a little but not as much as my lab. I serve then at the same time but Sammie tends to only want to go to my lab's plate. and he eats his crumbs that fall of the plate. what can i do to make this stop ?

thank you for your time =]  

Hello Jennifer,
<so i don't let him go upstairs but i do let my poodle>
It shouldn't be a problem for your Lab because he has never been allowed upstairs in the past.  Just be sure to pay as much attention to your Lab as you do Sammie, maybe even more if he is feeling lonely.

<He won't go #2...outside>
Try taking him outside, walk him around a bit or let him hang around outside for a bit, then bring him back inside.  Put him in his crate and then take him outside again in about 5-10 minutes.  Do this until he will go #2.  Lots of praise and maybe his favorite tidbit when he does go.  If Sammie and the Lab go outside at different times, try putting them out at the same time to see if Sammie will go when the Lab does.  Lots of times, the new dog will want to potty on the existing dogs potty to mark it.  Maybe it will work with Sammie.

<my poodle tends to not eat a lot...>
Are your dogs eating the same food?  It always seems true that even if a dog is being fed the highest quality food you can buy, if another dog is eating some other brand, the other dog will want it.  
If they are eating the same kind of food, try soaking Sammie's food in water first to make it more palatable.  You might also try to feed the 2 dogs in different areas of the house, and maybe at different times.  For instance, feed your Lab downstairs at 7:00am, and Sammie upstairs at 7:30am.  Be sure to keep Sammie away from your Lab until your Lab is finished.  See whatever works for you.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.  

Thanks for using,