Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > sick poodle

sick poodle

20 10:22:32

why would my toy poodle have a gurgling tummy and loose stools he is 7 yrs old

Hello Jenny,
Sorry it took so long to get back to you.  It has been a very busy week.

It could be anything that is making your dog sick.  He could have eaten something that didn't agree with him, such as finding something in his yard, eating something from the trash, or even eating something such as new dog food, cat food or if you may have given him something from the table.  
It could also be an internal parasite such as worms, for which you might need to take him to see the Vet.  

I know its a few days from when you asked your question, but if he is still having problems, you might want to contact your Vet just to rule out anything serious.

I hope this helps some and sorry for the long delay in responding.
