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Toy Poodle-She is Sick & Dont know what to do

20 10:21:12

Hi, I have an 11 yr old toy poodle, since yesterday and today she has thrown up 4 times, her food and her treats which were whole. Her eyes are glassy and she seems very tired. She seems to arch her stomach to her rear, she rarely get sick. What do you think and any suggestions on what I should do to make her feel better
Thank You

Hello Tom,
Sorry on the delay getting back to you.  If your dog is still getting sick today, you should take her to a Vet.  This sounds like some kind of stomach issue, but without seeing your dog, I can't tell you what is going on.  It could be anything from gas and bloating, to stomach worms and without doing a physical on your dog, I just can't give a diagnosis here.  

You can give your dog Pepto Bismol if she is still having the vomiting and her stomach seems upset.  For a Toy sized dog, I would give her 1-2 cc.

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions about this or Poodle questions in general, please feel free to ask.

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