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red poodle

20 10:18:06

my dogs fur has faded also and my question was will his color ever come back or is it gone forever?

Hello Michelle,
Sorry it took so long to get back to you.  I usually check my mail everyday, but I have some things going on with my own dog.  

Due to the fact that Red, Apricot, Cream, Brown, Silver, and almost any other color other than Black is typically mixed with White, it means that it has the Fading gene from the White and that the color will fade some.  You didn't say how old your dog is, but he shouldn't continue to fade heavily for much longer.  He will fade as he ages, due to the hair losing its pigment, but he should retain some of his Red coloring.  There is not really much you can do to get the color to come back.  There are some coat conditioning oils you can use to help brighten the color (such as Proclaim Glossing Polish spray, I get it at Sally's Beauty Supply) and also some shampoos that are specifically for Red coats (type in your browser "shampoo for red coat dogs") but they only brighten the coat, not make it darker.  
If you want to send me a picture, I may be able to give you an idea of how light he can possibly get.  Also let me know how old your guy is.  

Thanks and I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.  

Thanks for using,