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poodle gets upset stomach

20 10:18:22

My really small miniature poodle is constantly and systematically scouring our floors for food and sometimes steals food from the grand kids when opportunity presents itself. For the most part everyone is very careful but once in a while she eats something that gives her stomach/gastric stress...when this happens she stiffens up, groans(quietly) when I pick her up, isn't interested in eating or drinking, shakes, does strange things like wants into the bathtub or hides under the bed...won't play with her toys, is listless and scared acting. Is there anything I can do or give her to help her through this when it happens, I am always afraid she will become dehydrated or worse?

Hello Julie,
While having a dog that acts like a vaccuum cleaner when kids are around is handy, you do need to watch what your dog is ingesting.  There are several foods that can upset a dogs stomach, or with certain foods, can cause organ damage.  
Here is a list of foods that are Toxic to dogs:

When your dog eats something that gives her stomach upset, you can give her Pepto Bismol (the "Pink Stuff") to help ease her discomfort.  For a dog her size, it would be around 1-2 cc's (I use a syringe, just draw up the liquid and shoot it to the back of the dogs throat, because they usually don't like the taste).  Its one cc per 7lbs of body weight.

You will want to offer her plenty of water, and to encourage her to drink, you can add just a little chicken broth to flavor it.  
Rubbing her belly and talking softly to her to calm her some will help also.

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions about this, or other Poodle questions in general, please feel free to ask.

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