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dog urinating on floor after being taken outside

20 10:31:31

hi, we have a five month old male minature poodle. he has a beautiful nature. our problem is he sleeps with us and does not urinate all night. but during the day no matter how many times we put him out he still urinates on the floor sometimes every half hour. why if he can hold it all night is he doing this . he does urinate outside when we take him out.

Hello Carolyn,
Its most likely because you haven't removed all the odors from your floors and your dog thinks that its ok to return to those spots and go again.  
Clean your floors or at least the potty spots with a cleaner approved for Pet Messes.  The product has to have live bacteria that will "eat" the odor out of your floor.  Otherwise, you won't be able to smell it, but your dog will and will come back to those spots.  
Wal-Mart carries a product called "Out" that works great, and also one called "Kids N Pets".  Both work really good on Pet Odors and even Stains.  Odo-Ban is another product that works good because its odor is really powerful and it uses enzymes that take care of all sorts of odors.

When you take your dog outside and have him potty, watch to make sure that he goes.  If he does, praise him and let him back inside.  If he doesn't or just goes a little bit, bring him in, put him in the crate and make him wait for about 5-10 minutes.  Then take him back outside and have him go again.  Praise him if he goes.  

You can also buy "Diapers" for male dogs that help keep them from peeing inside the house.  They are called Belly Bands, and they work pretty good.  
You can see them and buy them by going here:

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions about this or Poodles in general, please feel free to ask.

Thanks for using,