Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > is my tiny poodle pup eating enough?

is my tiny poodle pup eating enough?

20 10:26:12


We recently brought home our 8 week male toy poodle (runt of the litter).
He seems to be doing fantastic, but the book we've been reading says he should be eating a full cup of food per day, divided into 3 feedings. He is very small, possibly 'teacup' size. He is very picky. He has no problem finding his water when he is thirsty, but would rather play/sleep than eat. He eats (and quite enthusiastically when he does), but seems to be full after about 3 tablespoons. Is this normal, and is he getting enough to eat?

No book or chart can say.  You need to check his body condition and adjust his food as needed.  Learn how at

I have more experience with standard Poodles, and I know many of them want to keep themselves on the thin side.  If yours only eats enough to keep itself very lean, leave well enough alone.