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Male stud marking territory

20 10:42:27

I just bought a 7 year old standard poodle that has Not been fixed, is still a stud dog. I'm his 4th owner (that I know of), the previous people loved him dearly but after 2 years was not able to housebreak/keep him from marking his territory.
If I have him neutered, what are the chances of this correcting the problem?
I appreciate your help.  

Hello Jackie,

Congradulations on your new Standard Poodle, I hope your home will be his last stop.

With your boy being 7 and set in a routine of marking his territory, it will make this more difficult, but that doesn't mean its impossible. Neutering him might stop urges he has to mark his territory, but I can't say that Neutering him will totally stop his marking.  Neutering him is a good idea to help prevent Testicular Cancer and other diseases associated with the Reproductive System.   

You might ask your Vet about Spay Day USA, which is normally around late Feb-March. Vets scheduel you an appointment in advance and you pay (a reduced fee) in advance. Call your local Vet or Animal Shelter for more information.

As for helping to stop his peeing in the house, you first need to make sure that you clean up his old messes with a product designed for dog messes.  Get a cleaning product with live enzymes that will "eat" the odor out of the spot.  Even if you can't smell it, your dog still can and will come back to remark it.  
Otherwise, when he is in the house loose, watch him at all times.  When you can't watch him, put him in his Crate/Kennel or in a protected area such as the Kitchen or Laundry Room.  If you don't have him a Kennel you should consider getting him one.  A dogs kennel is kind of like their den and most feel very comfortable and protected in them (the plastic ones are best because they are closed in, whereas the metal ones with the bars need to be covered with a blanket to appear "den" like.)  Our personal dogs love to go in their crates on their own and sleep in them.  It was kind of funny at first because it would be all quiet and we couldn't find any dogs, then we would say something and everybody would appear out of their crates.    There is also the new Nylon Mesh crates that are almost see through to your dog, but still give him that den like atmosphere.  You can see pictures of them or order one at:
This shows you the Plastic Molded Crates
This one shows you the Soft Sided Crates

You can also try yelling "NO!" at him when you catch him in the act and put him right outside.  Do this everytime that he goes inside and praise him when you see him go outside.  This will help you some.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.   

Have a great day and Many "Dry" Tail Wags.