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skittish about new things

20 10:21:37


female standard poodl
We got our female standard poodle at 6months of age from a well respected
breeder ( also used to show) She was supposed to be shown by them. But
never was.
She is very sweet, loves all people and animals, BUT she is skittish around any
object she has never seen before and new places
We have had her for 10 months now. She was on her 3rd level of obedience
but I had to pull her she was becoming   too nervous and sick every week on
the way home.
I take her around the community trying to expose her, she is becoming much
Is there anything else I can do ? Considering she is only 14 months old does
she just need more time ?
By the way she is my 3rd standard poodle.
Thank you for your help,

Hello Jane,
I have found that if a dog comes from a Show breeder, they tend to be a bit aloof and sometimes aren't even used to things outside a show ring (such as being on grass, walking on a leash and collar, or being used to strange sights/sounds).  

What I have done in the past is to expose my guys (gently) to alot of new things they have never seen before at home and praise them when they will come up and investigate them.  
Try putting her in a room (where she can't see you set up the "scary" item) and set something in the main room she has never seen before.  Put her leash on her and walk her into the main room with you.  Have a treat ready and let her look at the item as she comes into the room.  Encourage her to go and investigate the item and praise her if she goes closer.  If she will go up and actually sniff the item, give her the treat.  Next, touch the item and give it a gentle shake (do it away from her so that she doesn't think the "monster" is going to get her) and let her investigate it again.  Give her another treat if she will go back and sniff.  

When walking on the street, carry her favorite treats and praise her or give a treat if she will investigate something new.  You can also give her a word that means "Check It Out" such as "Sniff" or "Check It".  This will let her know that even though this is something she has never seen before, that if she goes up and checks it out, she will get a treat or pets.  Also, see if there is anything you can do to make going out to new places more fun for her.  Take a favorite toy for her to play with at the new place or if she likes Obedience, work her for a bit when she gets to a new place.  Having her work a pattern at the new place will take her mind off of being nervous and make her focus on what she is doing.  You could also have her "Take It, Hold It" with a dumbbell or other such item if she is nervous in a new area to distract her (since dogs tend to focus best on just one task at a time).  Praise her when she will walk around the area or item that is bothering her.  

Give her some time, lots of encouragement and Praise, and I know she will come out of this before long.  

If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

Thanks for using,