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flea control

20 10:32:54

Do poodles react differently to flea control products. My roomates poodle does ont seem to be responding to any of the products. Any suggestions?

Hello Emily,
The best product that you can use as far as flea and tick control is Frontline Plus.  The best way to use it is to keep it on your dog year round.  This way the product is continually keeping the fleas and ticks off your dog.  When you only apply the product during the peak flea season, some fleas will build an immunity to the treatment thus causing it not to work as effectively.  
When this occurs, not only will the product that you have currently been using not work, but products with similar ingredients will also not work as good.  
There is a new product on the market called Promeris(sp)that will treat fleas and ticks.  You can get it from your Vet.  Be sure to use it according to your Vets recommendation.

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.

Thanks for using,