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Best Breeding location

20 10:21:11

I have a 3yr female mini poodle.  She is in heat and I plan to let her have at least 1 liter.  Should the stud come to my house or should I bring her to the stud?  Also, should they just be closed off in a room together for a few hours?  Obviously I have no clue on what im doing..  Help!

Hello Jill,
First off, If you don't know the answers to these questions, then you probably shouldn't be breeding your dog.  I don't say that to be mean or anything, but with the number of unwanted dogs around, if you don't know what you are doing, then why bring more puppies into an already crowded world (if you need proof about this statement, just visit your local Pet Shelter)
BTW, I will answer your question at the bottom of this message.
That being said, think about why you want to breed your dog.  Alot of people say that letting your dog have at least one litter is beneficial to the dog, but this is not true.  The Birthing process is hard on a dog, though if the dog is healthy then most dogs get through it with no problems.  It doesn't help the female any, cause her to mature quicker, or give her any health benefits.  
Next, have you had your female checked for any genetic or health issues that could be passed on to the puppies.  Even if your female looks healthy, she could be a carrier of a genetic fault that could be passed to her off-spring.  You also need to look into the male you are using and find out if he is also genetically sound and healthy before breeding.  

You need to decide where she will have the puppies.  Alot of females would have the puppies on their owners bed if their owners would let them, or in their closet, shower, or kitchen.  Once you have a place set up, you need to realize that puppies are a MESSY business.  They are always pooping and they think its fun to walk in it and smear it on their siblings.  (thats very true)
You will need to be there when the female delivers her puppies to help in case there is a problem.  Most females can deliver their puppies without much help, but problems can arrise and you need to know how to help the female if she is having difficulty.  Sometimes a puppy is born breech and you need to help, or there is even the chance that she will deliver a dead puppy and you need to be prepaired for that.  What if the female decides that she doesn't like her puppies or she doesn't know how to be a mother?  You will need to hand feed the puppies (every 2 hours at first until they are at least 3 1/2 weeks old) and be sure to clean up after them.  

Next, you need to figure out what you are going to do when the puppies arrive.  Do you have buyers set up already for the puppies?  Miniature litters average around 4-6 puppies (give or take) and if you can't find homes for them all, are you planning on keeping them or would you take them to a shelter or Poodle rescue?  Also, do you realize how much money and time puppies can cost you.  There are feedings, Vet bills, shots, wormings, Ads for selling the puppies, and time in cleaning and care for them.  Puppies should be kept with their mother for at least 8 weeks and puppies will need most of the above mentioned items from at least 3 weeks old.  You also need to consider the Stud Fee and what price you will ask for the puppies.  With the economy the way it is, puppy sales are down and the prices of puppies are low just so sellers can move their puppies.  With this in mind and the money taken into account that you have to spend on the puppies, you won't make much (if any) on selling the pups.

Ok, on to your question:  You said your female is in heat right now.  You should have marked on your calendar when you first spotted blood from your female.  9-11 days from you first seeing blood is when your female should be ready to be bred.  This is called "Standing Heat" because the female will stand for the male to mount her.  You can either bring the male to your house or take the female to him.  If he is a long distance away, it would be best to take the female to him, because its best to breed the female at least twice (with a day in-between) to insure a good fertilization.  
When breeding the dogs, its best to stay and oversee so that there is no accidents.  First time females can sometimes get snappy towards the male because they don't realize what is going on.  New males to the process will sometimes get so excited that they will mount whatever part of the female that is pointing towards them, ie: the females head or side.  If the male and female will let you assist, that is best so that the male mounts where he is suppose to and finds his mark.  If the male is overly excited, he will tire himself out and may not be able to perform.  Once he is inside the female, his penis will swell, "locking" him to her.  At this point, the male will dismount (his penis is still inside the female) and he will attempt to turn so that he and the female are butt to butt.  You and another person need to help hold each dog, so that they don't injure themselves while being Tied together.  The "Tie" can last from 5 to 30 minutes or so.  After they break apart, you need to put the female in a crate or small room where she can relax and rest.  

If you have other questions about this, please don't hesitate to ask me.  I will answer any questions you have.  

Thanks for using,