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black spots on back

20 10:36:32

Noticing small black spots on back of my poodle. Is this normal?

It could be several possibilities.  If your poodle was cut down short it could just be the natural reaction on the skin to the ultraviolet light from the sun.  It will turn some pink skin to an almost black color.  The second possibility is that your dog has parti colored skin.  If your dog has parti colored parents or any parti colored dogs in his pedigree, then you will be seeing that coming through in his skin.  Some dogs will carry the gene for parti but not be parti colored themselves and that is one way you can tell.  Another thing it could be (usually if your poodle is older around 10 or more) they will sometimes get aging spots just like humans do.  You want to keep an eye on them and make sure that they do not keep getting larger or perhaps get a lump in them. If that happens take your dog to the vet and have it checked to make sure its not cancerous.