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3months old poodle

20 10:22:21

i hav a 3months old brown poodle whose super cuteee, but when we leave the house, it starts littering the whole place and pees a lot not to mention the poo. It really stinks up the house and gives strress to everyone, wat should i do?

Hello Amber,
I know we all love our dogs and want to make them feel like part of the family, but when you leave the house the best place for your dog is in a crate or small pen.  Its not only so that they won't pee or poo on the floor or chew things up, but also for their saftey.   
There are so many things a dog can get into when we aren't there to see them, and even if you have puppy-proofed everything there are things that could hurt your dog while you are gone.  

I have heard of dogs opening cabinets and getting into cleaning supplys, chewing on cords or wires, or even trying to get out of windows or doors and hurting themselves or dying because they were left loose in the house.  

A crate will confine your dog to one area.  It will contain any potty messes to the crate or small pen so that there isn't potty all over the house and you can be sure that your dog won't get into anything or distroy something she isn't suppose to.  

You can start getting your dog used to being in a crate while you are at home.  Try feeding your dog in her crate or keeping her in her crate for small amounts of time while you are in the house.  THE NUMBER ONE RULE WHEN YOUR DOG IS IN HER CRATE IS THAT SHE IS INVISIBLE WHEN SHE IS IN HER CRATE.  Do not under any circumstance take her out of her crate or even look her direction when she is fussing, whining, barking or being loud.  If you do, she will think that to get your attention she needs to bark or fuss.  If you ignore her, she will eventually stop barking and THEN you can let her out or talk to her.  You can put things in her crate to keep her busy or entertained, such as toys, chewies, or her food and water, but just don't give her any personal attention while she is in her crate.  Like I mentioned above, while in her crate your dog needs to understand that to you, she is invisible.  You shouldn't be able to see her or hear her.  She needs to understand that while in her crate, she needs to settle down and be quite, rest or relax, but not to bark, whine or fuss.  
When she learns this, you can leave her in her crate when you leave and will have the assurance that she will be ok (and so will your house) when you return.

Also, most dogs won't potty in their crate because it puts them too close to their mess and dogs don't like to be around their own potty.  If you think that she will potty in her crate, put papers or puppy potty pads down so that cleaning the mess up will be easier.  Also, you might hold back food and water about an hour before putting her in her crate and make sure that she has pottied before you leave.  

As for the smelley-ness in the house, you might have to use a carpet cleaning machine and get some pet approved cleaning product that contains enzymes that will "eat" the odor out of the carpet.  I like to use OUT from Wal-Mart (it is usually found in the Pet department) to clean up pet messes, but if you have strong odors in your house, you might want to get Odo-Ban from Sams Club to use in your carpet cleaning machine.  Odo-Ban has a very pleasant fragrance and is used to get many odors out of houses from cleaning burn smells out to even cleaning smells from something dead.  It works great on potty smells.  

Give this a try and if you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

Thanks for using,