Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > Minature Poodle walks sideways

Minature Poodle walks sideways

20 10:21:56

My poodle's tail goes to the right then she walk to the right then sits down for a few minutes before she will continue with her walk.  I have had her to the vet they cannot find anything wrong.

Hello Edith,
Sounds like your dogs Anal Glands are full or could possibly be impacted and they need to be emptied.  Your Groomer should be able to do this when the dog gets bathed.  

The anal glands are located on either side of her tail, near her anus.  Dogs express them naturally when they have a bowel movement, but sometimes they get blocked, the fluid becomes thick and they can't express them themselves.  You will sometimes see a dog scoot across the floor trying to relieve the pressure.  

Your Vet should have tried to express the glands, but maybe didn't get it all or didn't do it.  

Try having the groomer express her glands (if your groomer doesn't offer this service, try PetCo or PetSmart groomers), and see if this helps her any.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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