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puppy losing hair

20 10:21:29

we have 5 standard poodle puppies that are 7 weeks old. All are black except for one red female. The red female has some hair loss on her tail and the back of her hind legs... Why is she the only one with it and what could it be?
-the only thing that has changed is her bedding (cedar shavings) and the obvious switch to reg dog food (puppy chow)
-no redness, scabs, or flakes. just bare skin

Hello Kala,
You might think about changing the Cedar shavings in her box.  Her skin could be sensitive to the Cedar and she could be losing hair because of that.  You might try just using Newspapers or even going to your local newspaper company and buying the end rolls to put down.  They don't have the ink on them that can get onto the puppies skin and hair.  
She could also be rolling in the Cedar chips and it could be pulling the hair out, or her brothes and sisters could be biting at her and causing her hair loss.  If you would like to send me a picture of her bald spots, I could check to see what I think they are.  My e-mail addy is

If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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