Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > response to labmans question to me

response to labmans question to me

20 10:35:19

labman, i'm sorry i didn't make myself clear when in the post below.
what i was wanting to know is if you had any explanation of why my poodle's coloring is the way it is. i forgot to mention that there is some brown in her family history.  do you think she is probably finished growing by now?

I'm sorry, but I don't understand the question..

Your Question was:

I have an 8 month old 6 1/2 lb. female toy poodle. She hasn't gained any weight
since she was 6 months old. She has a long body and long legs. She eats well and
is very active. Her favorite thing to do is for us to throw her toys so she can
run after them and bring them back to us. She never seems to tire of this game.
I'm guessing that she probably won't grow much more if any.

My girl's nose, lips, and toe pads are brown. They do seem to get darker the
older she gets. I have read that she is suppose to have black on these points.
Also, her eyes are hazel colored during the day and then get dark brown at
night. I have read that her eyes should be black or dark brown.
I don't know if her hair color and her family coloring would be helpful to you
or not  but I thought I would give you the info just in case.

She is cream with light apricot/tan coloring on her ears. The ear color gets
lighter as she gets older.  When I got her at 6 weeks old she also had an
apricot/tan streak down her back and some on her feet. The streak down her back
and on her feet is gone since she's been groomed. It doesn't matter to me if she
keeps the apricot/tan color or not. Both of her parents were black. There were 2
cream and 3 black in the litter that she came from.

Thanks for all of your help.
Sarah Lee

The color is too specialized of an area for me to comment on.  Perhaps go to and find their Poodle area.  It should have links to Poodle specific forums.  I checked, and there still isn't anybody else signed up for Poodles.  I am doing what I can.  Most of the questions I see  in the dog breed categories are really nothing breed specific.  

I doubt you will see much more growth.  Conventional wisdom is that dogs grow at least to the end of their first year.  However, after 6 months, it is very slow for most dogs, and perhaps more so for a small dog.