Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > When is it too cold to walk a teacup poodle

When is it too cold to walk a teacup poodle

20 10:27:41

I just got a teacup poodle.  She is paper trained but I would like to have her trained to potty outside.  I am concerned about her body temperature.  It is 4o degrees F and pouring rain today.  I don't know if it is too cold to take her outside.  Also I keep the house at around 67 degrees f.  is this too cold?  What do I do when winter comes and it's 30 degrees? I want to keep her healthy. Can you help?

Hello Malva,
Poodles can withstand fairly cold temperatures without ill-effect.  If you are concerned about her getting cold, go ahead and get her a sweater or jacket.  
A dogs normal tempature is higher than ours at 101.5 so what feels cold to us isn't as bad to your dog.  
I think she will be alright even if it does get to around 30 degrees as long as she isn't out in it for long.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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