Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > poddle foot ingury.

poddle foot ingury.

20 10:36:43

MY PADDLE KEEPS LICKING HIS LEFT PAW ALOT, It looks like it might be swollen.

I think you mean your Poodle?  I am not a vet.  This is something that needs to be seen by a vet ASAP.  I can not diagnosis for you.

Not exactly sure what you expect of me.  Once again I am NOT a vet and I can not diagnos something for you.  I am sorry if this upsets you.  I have no way of seeing your poodle or knowing what the foot looks like or ANYTHING like that to even give you an idea.  That isnt fair to me to even ask.  People assuming that I am a substitue for a vet is a bad idea.  Anything out of the normal that is a problem like this needs to be take up with your vet immediately.  For the safety and well being of your dog.  Do not be angry with me becuase I am not a vet and unable to help you with this!