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Getting poodle to pee in one spot

20 10:33:18

QUESTION: My poodle mix is housebroken. He has been peeing all over the yard, just about wherever and whenever he wants. You would think he would not pee right where he hangs out or plays. He is almost nine months. I have been taking him to one spot on the yard area to go but i need to impress upon him he can't pee all over the place. Any ideas?

ANSWER: Hello Leslie,
You didn't say if your puppy is neutered or not.  This would make a difference because if he isn't, then he is marking your yard and not just peeing to relieve himself.  What is really going on is that he is "telling" other dogs that this is HIS yard (HIS toys, HIS tree, HIS play spot, etc) and not to come near.  This is a male tendency and there isn't much that can help with teaching him not to mark.  
Getting him neutered will Help, but since he is 9 months now and most likely has his male hormones (which is why he has started marking in the first place) it is hard to say if it will stop it or not.

You can help him to potty in one area by creating a special area for him to potty in.  Put up a small fence (it can be anything that will contain him in one area) and make that his "designated potty area".  Take him there when you want him to potty and leave him until he has done his business.  When he has pottied, you can let him loose in the yard if you supervise him.  
Make yourself a Shaker Can.  Put some pennies or small pebbles in a can or bottle and tape the lid so the objects don't fall out.  When you shake it, it will make a loud noise that will startle your dog.  If he is loose in the yard and not in his potty area and you see him start to mark, shake your can at him to distract him and take him to his potty area.  
The reason this is so difficult to correct is that it isn't a cognitive function, in other words, the dog doesn't think about marking, it is something he does out of instinct.  

There are also Belly Bands that you can use with Male dogs to help keep them from marking.  It is simply a band that goes around the middle of the male to absorb the urine when he potties.  It will help make him aware that he is going when he isn't suppose to.  
DO NOT leave it on him all the time, and be sure to wash it when he does pee in it so he doesn't develop sores.  
You can find the Belly Bands at:

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.

Thanks for using,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I should have mentioned, he is neutered. It is like he just has to go and does it, not really seeking out particular spots. We were having him jump through a hoop and he just stopped and peed right by the spot we were playing in. I will try the designated potty spot and something that will distract him if he goes in the wrong place. Thanks

Hello Again,
You might take him to his Vet and have a check-up just to make sure there is nothing wrong with his bladder or urinary tract.  You might also try the Belly Band because they let a dog know that they have pottied and make him aware that he did something. If they are a bit pricy, you can make them yourself with materal and Velcro.  Measure your dog.  Cut a strip and fold it in on both sides.  Sew along the edge.  Leave a space for a pad to be placed in the band.  Apply Velcro to the ends so you can close the band around your dog.   
Anything else I can do, please feel free to ask.