Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > teacup growth/size

teacup growth/size

20 10:35:40

My female  poodle is 19 weeks old and weighs approximately 3 1/2 lbs.  How big will she get?  (or how small will she stay? Thakns os much.  

First off there is no such thing as a teacup poodle.  There are only 3 varities of poodles.  Standard, Minaiture and toy.  Using the term teacup is only a marketing gimick to charge people more money.  They are only small toys.  Usually bred smaller than they should be and usually they have health issues.  Secondly weight has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with poodles.  There are NO weight restrictions.  Height is what you go by in poodle to know what variety they are.  I would also have absolutely no way to tell how big your puppy will get.  I have no idea what your puppies lines are, what size and height the parents are and their bone structure, nor do I know what your puppies height is or her bone structure.  I can tell you that most toy poodles are finished growing at 6 months of age although they can fill out a bit until 7 months.