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Neutering my Toy Poodle

20 10:21:50

At what age can I have my male Toy Poodle puppy neutered?  Also, how can I stop him from play biting us?  We give him toys as soon as he wants to play bite our arms and hands but he continues to do it.  

Hello Darlene,
Most Vets won't neuter a puppy until they are around 6 months old or you can take them to an animal shelter that will usually do it around 12 weeks.  I like to neuter early (maybe around 4 months) so that they don't get the hormones to start things like marking and aggressive behaviors.  

When your puppy bites your hands you need to grab his muzzle and say "NO!" in a firm voice.  Hold his muzzle for a few seconds and don't let him pull away or bite your hand a second time.  You can also lay him down on his side and make him hold still for a few seconds.  This is showing him that you are dominate and will let him know that he is to submit to you rather than biting you.  Let him up only when he is laying quietly and is submitting to you.  

Give this a try and let me know if you have any other questions.  

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