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My standard licks her bed a lot

20 10:27:34

My white, standard female (3 years old) has started licking the material on her bed.  I noticed that she licked a huge spot (about 8" x 8"...give or take).  Can't figure this one out.  Why would she be doing this?

Hello J.
I am not sure about the reason dogs lick things like this.  My parents have a dog that licks their kitchen chairs and certain spots on the couch.  We have no idea why she does this.  The only reason I can think that she does this is because it is where she lays (or sits) and is marking it as "her spot".  

With your dog, it could be that she is marking her spot, or the bed material could just have a flavor that she likes.  As long as she isn't having problems from it and isn't doing it all the time, I would just tell her "NO!" when she does it.  
If its becoming a bad habit, you can get a product called "Bitter Apple", from your local Pet Store that you can put on her bed.  This should stop her from licking those spots.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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