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cockapoo making

20 10:41:24

I have a 2 year old nuetered male cokapoo who has recently began marking in the house. I have been keeping him close so it hasn't happened much until tonight. He was laying in my daughters bed with her (she's 8) and our spayed female cockapoo (3 yrs) when he began running around the house like a nut a full speed then he jumped on my daughters bed and lifted his leg!He seems to be pretty hormonal, marks a lot outside, he also humps his pillow until I tell him to stop. I thought dogs wouldn't mark or pee were they sleep. What do you think of this weird behavior? What can I do? Thanks  


All I can figure out is that he feels his place in the pecking order is somehow threatened....or he wants to protect 'his' charge (your daughter).  It may also be hormonal - as with humans, the urge doesn't go away even thought the procreation possibility is gone.

The way I'd handle it is to do as you are doing - keep him close....along with a spray bottle of water. When he begins the negative behavior, say "NO!" in a firm low-pitched voice and squirt him in the face. It doesn't hurt him but it will hurt his pride a bit.....and he'll be less likely to do this again.  I say low voice because if you speak in a higher pitched voice, he just hears excitement - a low pitched voice signifies you (the Alpha in the home) growling.

For anything more, I'd suggest getting a dog behaviorist or trainer. I can only tell you what I've done and it worked for my mark-happy male poodle.  I wish you luck!!

Oh, a soda/beer can with a few pennies works too - shake it when you say "no" - the sound is irritating to most dogs and he'll associate the behavior with the nasty noise.

Also, clean the areas he has marked previously with a mixture of 1 part vinegar and 3 parts water.  That will neutralize the scent and he won't readily find that spot and be compelled to repeat his prior bad act.