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Bals spots

20 10:36:27

Hi, Our poodle mix that we got 6 month ago, has 2 1/2 years. She had bald spots on the side exactly  a year ago, supposely from grass allergy according to her owner. Then hair grew back but wasn't curly anymore. Veterinarian didnot do anything at that time. 2 weeks ago she started biting her hair on the same side and got a large bald spot with pink & dry skin on it. We took her to the vet, which found flees and sent her to skin biopsy, which is too expensive. We got rid of fleas, keep her inside the house without carpet, eventually leaving her to go to the patio at morning and night. My question is if is it any alternative to biopsy? I would prefer to go with lower-cost options first.What home remedies can I use for allergies in case she is allergic to the grass? Will just take to the walk on the sidewalk but not letting her go to the grass help? Please help

Can you pull back the fur at the base of her tail and look for dark reddish specks?  If you see any, you are still not rid of the fleas.  The good stuff is expensive.  I just paid $86 for a 6 pack of Revolution.  It protects the dog from fleas, heartworm, and many other worms.  

My dogs get very little to eat except a good dog chow, brushed regularly with a soft bristled brush, and seldom if ever bathed.  Baths can cause more problems than they solve.  Their skin and coats do very well.  

You could try giving Benadryl, 2 mg per pound every 8 hours.