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20 10:38:22

why do her ears always smell and can I do something to prevent it  

It most likey means that she has a yeast infection.  THis is very common in poodles and a big problem in cockers.  This is just one reason why the mix of these two breeds is NOT a good idea.
I would recomend either getting a dog food that has yogurt in it or purchasing plain yogurt to place on her food every morning.  Give her a tablespoon in her breakfast.
Then you want to make sure that the hair is plucked out of her ears and they are kept clean.  Here is a great recipie for ear cleaner that you make yourself.  It will help to clear that infection right up.


16 Oz. Isopropyl Alcohol

4 Tablespoons Boric Acid Powder - this powder is a little hard to find.  You can find it a some health food stores or at some small mom & pop pharmacies.

16 Drops Gentian Violet Solution 1% - now this stuff took me a long time to locate.  You can find it on line and order it or you may be able to find it at some mom & pop pharmacies or your local walmart may also carry it.  If walmart doesn't have it ask them to order it for you.  If you happen to find the 2% gentian violet instead just use 8 drops.

Mix together in a large bottle and shake well.  We have found that if you go to your local beauty supply and find a bottle with the long pointed tips like the kind they use for hair dies, it works great for getting into the ear canal.  (Do not worry you can not touch the dogs ear drum)

Please shake this solution every time you use it to mix the Boric Acid Powder. Either a baby ear syringe or a plastic squirt bottle work well for putting the solution in the ear.


Check the ears before treating. If they are inflamed and sore do not attempt to pluck the hair or clean out ear. Flush the ear with the solution and wait for the inflammation to go away.  Usually takes 2-4 days of this.

On first treatment, if the ear is NOT inflamed, flood the ear twice, wipe with a cotton ball, and leave alone without massage.

The dog will shake out the excess, which can be wiped with a tissue. (This stuff will tint lighter dogs fur but this will go away and will not cause harm to the dogs hair.  This stuff does stain fabrics though.

Treat 2 times per day for the first week - two weeks, depending upon severity of ears.

After the 2nd or 3rd day you can clean out the ear with a Q- tip.

Treat one time per day for the next 1-2 weeks.
Treat one time per month (depending on the dog and the severity of the ears).