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lumps on poodles eyelids

20 10:36:27

I have just been given a 15 year old poodle whose owner died and when he arrived he had numerous problems most of these are resolved except for his eyes which have small skin tags on the upper eyelid that touch the eye itself his eyes were really red but over the past 4 weeks I have been treating him with sofradex eyes drops from the vet and now I am using poly tears  his eyes are still red but about 90% better the vet wants to remove the tags but I am not sure if that is what is causing the problem the vet did a tear test which came back normal I was wondering whether it is worth removing them or not  

If your vet thinks they need to be remove then they need to be removed.  
I also think they need to be removed.  I wouldnt want something touching my eyes all the time.  I would probably be inclinded to also have them biopsied after they are removed to check for cancer.