Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > poodles mineture french white poodles

poodles mineture french white poodles

20 10:36:29

QUESTION: why is a white mineture poodles nose pink?
ANSWER: A white poodles nose should NEVER be pink it should always be jet black as well as should the rest of the dogs points be.  Points are the nose, lips, eye liner, and pads of the feet. A pink nose is major fault.  Usually you get pink noses from colors that should not have been bred together like red bred to brown or cream bred to brown.  This is also why many breeders that breed for white will put blacks into their lines every few generations so that the black points are kept nice and dark.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: how can u determine thee age of a poodle? and also a pink nose is not a sign of old age,is it?

The average person probably can not tell age.  However a vet could probably tell you by looking at the dog and the dogs teeth.
Some dogs noses will fade over time however you would see some of the black tint remaining around the edges of the nose and the nose would be more of a blackish color than pink.