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Do I have to clip my poodle?

20 10:22:10

Hi there. I am new to the wonderful world of Standard Poodles and I don't
want to groom my "Diggory" any more than brushing him and bathing. We live
in the country and he is very happy running around with his wonderful long
coat. I also LOVE the way he looks. Is the grooming just for asthetics?
Thanks for all you do,

Hello Jill,
Grooming the Poodle for the most part is more for show than for anything.  Alot of people groom their Poodles because they want them to take on the "typical" Poodle look, so they groom them like they have seen them groomed for centuries.  Other people groom their poodles short to keep their hair from picking up the million and one things that they can bring in from outside such as leaves, dirt, twigs, and even bugs.  
Then there are those who don't really like the "Poodle Look" and just want to keep their dogs coat long and fuzzy.  This is fine and acceptable, but remember that this is a dog whos coat grows continually and curls as it grows.  Keeping it long is do-able as long as you are able to brush it out daily, wash it when the coat gets dirty (as dirt and particles of leaves or twigs can cause matting), and even keeping conditioner in the hair so that it doesn't become dry and brittle.  
You may want to shave the face, or part of the face around the eyes to keep the eyes clean and clear, but other than that, go right ahead and leave that coat natural.  I think it looks cute like that, but with having 5 Poodles (4 Standards and 1 Miniature) I just don't have the time for the coat care.  
There is a coat conditioner you can get from Sallys Beauty Salon called Cure Care that works great for conditioning.  I use it in water to spray on the coat or apply it on after shampooing the dog, not completely rinsing it out of the coat, then dry as usual.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

Thanks for using,