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red feet

20 10:32:13

My 5-yr-old neutered male white poodle has always chewed on his feet occasionally, but lately it's become much more, and the hair on his feet is red. His groomer asked if he'd been chewing because she noticed it. He doesn't have fleas, stickers, etc., and all four feet seem to get the same amount of attention and be equally red. Is there a cause and is there something I can do to soothe his feet? He seems perfectly happy and healthy otherwise. Help!

Hello Barbara,
This is a common occurance in light colored dogs and is the same thing that happens with tear stains.  As the dog licks or chews his feet, his saliva mixes with chemicals in his skin and hair and actually dyes his hair that reddish color.  

As for soothing your dogs feet so that he won't chew or lick them, I would try giving him a Benedryl (I usually give a whole one for dogs over 50 lbs and a 1/2 of one for dogs under 50lbs, ask your Vet for dosing compared to his size) and you can try the Benedryl cream to rub on his feet.  He could be allergic to something in his yard or in your home.  

As for getting rid of the red color, having your Groomer shave his feet close is about the best you can do until he stops chewing and licking his feet.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions or comments for me, please feel free to write me again.

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