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standard poodle maturity date

20 10:22:36

Hi Kim
I have two amazing 10 month old standards.  They LOVE to play rough with each other.  I'm growing kind of tired of the rough play...especially now that they are 45lbs each.  I'm wondering if they will ever grow out of that kind of rough-house play or is it something I'm going to have to live with?  Does their rough-housing mean I don't have them properly trained?  Would I be quashing their spirit if I tried to prevent them from rough-housing?  I'm hoping you'll say that they will mellow out on their own, with no intervention from me, in another year or so.  But am open to whatever info you give me and to however you instruct me.


My Riot
Hello Kim,
Well....I would like to say that your "kids" will mellow out soon and become the "perfect" house pets, but these ARE young Standard Poodles and though the breed can be somewhat laid back they are also a working breed and therefore can tend to be rather rambuncious sometimes.  (I know, as I have 2 brother Standards who are also very active at 3 yrs old and they don't look like they are going to settle down anytime soon)
While I understand that they enjoy playing and expending some of that pent up energy, I am the BOSS of my house and my dogs KNOW that.  When they get too rowdy, I make them settle down.  I also find that one-on-one time with me helps some.  

To let them know that you are boss, you will have to estabolish your dominance over them.  Do this one at a time so they won't get distracted.  Make them lay down on their side with their head on the floor and have them submit to you.  Stare at them and they should look away from you.  Let them up when you are ready by turning and walking away without looking at them.  If you ever have any conflicts with them, use this method to re-estabolish that you are their boss and they need to listen to you.  It won't break their spirit, but instead it will cause them to respect you more.  Dogs have to either have a boss or be the boss, and most dogs don't like the boss mentality, but rule their house as boss anyway because their people won't.  
Being the boss means that you do things first; such as eating first, leading when you walk them instead of them walking you, and you being able to take things from them or them listening when you give a command.  
Obedience classes would also be a good idea for your guys as Poodles excel in training, plus they really enjoy it and its also good for the owner.  It also teaches them some manners and shows them that you are the boss in a friendly, non-threatening way.  Another reason that Obedience is such a good thing, is that it gives them an out for all their energy.  When you take them for a walk, have them sit at the curb or heel for a block.  Use Down and Stay also, maybe use Stay when they see an approching dog or another animal running around.  
Because Poodles are so intelligent, you need to give them things to do that work their mind.  With my boy, I have several different toys and I can tell him "Go find your Blue Block", or "Get me your Soccer Ball" and he knows the difference and will go and pick out the specific toy.  I will also throw Riots toy and have him wait until I tell him to go get it.  You can also hide their toys and have them go find them.  You can use treats and hide them under cups or cans and have them find the can/cup that has the treat under it.  Teach them to touch the cup rather than knocking the cup over for an even tougher challenge.  Playing games like this helps improve your relationship with them, helps them use their mind and can help them expend some of their endless energy.  

If you have a dog park in your area, you might also think about taking them to the dog park to let them run around with other dogs and play.  As long as they are friendly with other dogs, its a great way to socalize them and to again burn off some energy.  

I hope this helps you some with your Fur Babies.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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