Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > Dark skin spot on 10 lb Apricot Cockapoo

Dark skin spot on 10 lb Apricot Cockapoo

20 10:21:31

We have taken our Cockapoo to the vet regarding a bald dark spot that is getting somewhat bigger. It is not raised or she is not scratching. The vet thought it might be due to a shot she received when we had her teeth cleaned. What do you think?

Hello Shannon,
It very well could be due to the shot.  I have heard of shots leaving behind a dark spot on the skin of dogs that have had vaccines or other procedures.  The ingredients in the shot could have "burned" the skin, causing the skin cells to become damaged, and resulting in hair and pigmentation loss.  The hair may also grow in darker like the dogs hair did when she was a puppy.  It will eventually change to her normal color, but it might take awhile as it will have to go through the process of color lightening.

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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