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how to get our toy Poodle to take her meds

20 10:41:21

Hi Labman,,, we have a mature toy poodle, recently she was diagonosed with an enlarged heart, and expereinced some blood in her lungs, causing her to rapid breathing,, we have since gotten her breathing back to normal with the right meds and antibiotics,, the trouble is we are running out of things to hide the meds in,,, we started out hiding the pills in cookie dough(sugar) , then we moved on to cheese but  she is catching on to it,, and spits out the pill,, my wife is very frustrated, we tried the direct approach by placing pill down her throat and holding her mouth closed, she gets angry at that,, we need some advice  if you can give it,, a surefire way to get our doggie to take her meds,,, thanks

There may not be a good way.  You could try peanut butter or cooking fat.  I have fallen back on the direct way.  I have a 12 year old Lab that needs a Benadryl every night.  It is the same story every night, pry her mouth open, shove the capsule back as far as I can, and hold her mouth until she swallows it.  She hates it, but I think she actually understands I do it because I love her.