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20 10:34:01

My 4 1/2 year old standard had what I assume was a seizure on 2/17/08. She was laying on our bed when she all of a sudden started flopping around on the bed and then flopped off the bed. She had lost control of her hind legs. She was flopping around like a fish out of water, trying to stabilize herself with her front legs. No other symptoms other than the flopping. It is now 2/19/08 and her gait is a little off (she used to walk like a show dog) and she will occasionally whimper. I called the vet and they told me to just keep an eye on her for a couple of days. I am extremely worried about my little Coco. Please help.

Hello Bella,
I checked out some sites about Canine Epilepsy and this site was the most helpful.

If your current Vet isn't being helpful then contact another Vet for his/her opinion.  A Vet should be sympathetic about your dogs condition and should offer more advice than just to "watch" your dog.  
I actually learned something from this site also because my Silver 5yr old Std. Poodle, Striker had similar symptoms and I didn't know what was going on.  Before the seizure happened he was very clingy to me and then we went into the living room where he lost his balance, fell on the floor and started seizing.  I asked my Vet about what had happened and got about the same answer as you did.  This was about 5 months ago and my Striker has been ok since then, but it did concern me at the time.
If it happens again such as you described, just stay with Coco and talk her through it.  Make sure that there is nothing around her that she could hurt herself on, don't stick your hand in or around her mouth (some people think that dogs or people can choke on their tongues during a seizure, but thats not true) and if you are religious, say a little prayer for her.  Then call your Vet and let him/her know what happened, how long it lasted and what went on during the seizure (did she lose her bowels/bladder, did she get aggressive, lose her balance, etc) You might want to write these things down so that you can be precise.  

As for her off-gait, she probably pulled or stressed her muscles and is a bit sore.  Give her a couple of days and limit her activity for that amount of time to let her rest up a bit.  She should be back to her old self in no time.

I hope this helps you and Coco some (it has me) and thanks for using  If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to ask.  