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10 year old male

20 10:29:10

We have a 10 year old male that has always been very good....but in the last 4 weeks he has started acting CRAZY! He has started pooping and peeing everywhere and will not stop humping the puppy (we have had the puppy for 6 months and he humped her when we first got her she is 7 months old) The thing that has really upset us is that he peed all over the clean clothes and the couch and then HE PEED ALL OF MY 8 MONTH OLD BABY!!!!!! Is this a normal thing for miniture poodles? and what can we do to stop it....he has also started tearing up carpet and howling..... PLEASE HELP!

Hello Jenifer,
Sounds like you have a dog with a case of Jelously.  
Your dog is jealous of your newest member of the family and is letting you know about it.  Where he has had most of your attention for the past 10 years, now he has to stand aside and watch you spend HIS time with this new intruder, and he doesn't like it.  

You are going to have to let him know that even though there is a new kid in his house, that you still see him as the dominate dog member, and that he still gets his deserved seniority.  To do this, you need to make sure that you pet him first, feed him first, play with him before her and give him any attention before you give it to the female.  This shows your male that you still see him as the dominate dog, and also tells the female the same thing.  

As for the humping thing, mounting like that isn't always sexual in the dog world. (though if she isn't fixed, she is at the right age to start coming into heat)  Mounting can be for play, or it can be used to estabolish or remind another dog that the dog doing the mounting is dominate.  It puts the dominate dogs head above the other dog and gives the dominate dog the advantage if the other dog doesn't submit.  
When your male does this, walk towards him very firmly and make him back away from you.  Bump into him if you need to.  This shows him that you are dominate and that you are making him move away from you.  You can also tell him "Leave It" to help him get used to this new command.  
If he still won't stop, lay him down on his side and make him submit to you until you let him up.  Don't be mean to him, but be firm.  He needs to respect you if you want him to listen to you.  

To help keep him from peeing inside, aside from the obivous thing of taking him out more, you might try a product called the Belly Band for male dogs.  It is a reusable band that is sort of like a diaper that the male wears indoors.  You can find them at
If you show him that he is still in the dominate spot by respecting that dominance, he may stop the peeing and marking in your house.  Have patience with him though as this can't be fixed over night.  

Be sure to clean any messes up with a product designed for cleaning up pet messes.  Make sure that it says something about containing live enzymes that will "eat" the odor of the urine.  This way, your dog won't be able to smell the places he has gone before and go there again.  

As for the tearing up of the carpet, I would try keeping his nails really short or you can buy toenail covers from most large pet stores that glue onto the nail and keep the dog from scratching things.
The howling is most likely due to him being jealous and will hopefully stop when you dominate him and when you show him that he is dominate over the female dog.   

Give this a try and this should help you some.  If you have other questions or concerns about this, please feel free to ask.

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