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Standard Poodle Concerns

20 10:28:03

Hi, my 2 year old female went into heat the 3rd week of Dec 08. The last day
of bleeding was Dec 25. Because of her age, and her new baby boyfriend of 6
months, they were watched 24/7. Unless they mated when I was sleeping, I
still think I would have heard it. Today- Mar 7,09, my family & friends after
seeing the dog believe she is pregnant. I thought she was gaining weight, but
now Im not sure. Im about to start building a whelping box, but Ive also
researched False Pregnancies, and think this may be the case.

My question is, how long after the blood stopped, could she have conceived?
Its been over 63 days since I noted the absence of discharge.  And can a 6
month old standard puppy impregnate her? He showed no interest during the
heat. The vet is out till next week, and I appreciate your response.

Hello Linda,
Females are usually in heat for around 3-4 weeks from the time that you first see blood until the female goes out of heat.  
From the first day that you see blood, she will be in "Standing Heat", 9-11 days after that first day.  She will be in "Standing Heat" for around a week and a half after that.  
Most females will continue to bleed until they are out of season.  When a female goes out of heat, she will refuse the male and won't let him mount.  

I have heard of 6 month old puppies fathering puppies, though its not common.  
You can take her tempature morning and night if you think she might be getting ready to whelp.  A dogs normal tempature is 101.5, but when a female is ready to whelp, it will drop to around 98.0

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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