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Cocoa isnt feeling too well.

20 10:37:48

I took my toy miniture for her annual exam last week.  She has a clean bill of health and was doing just fine until the vet told me to start feeding her differently.  I always left cocoa's dry food out for her with water.  She stays inside all day and does just fine.  We also have two miniture daushounds to keep her company.  Anyway, because the little daushound can eat eternally non-stop we had to put up the food.  I changed cocoa's diet to Max which is food without any bi-products, suggested by the vet, to hepl with cocoa's ongoing ear irritation.  I guess allergies.  It works fine.  That was almost two weeks ago.  She liked it and I was putting one tablespoon of wet food in whit 1/4 c of dry like the vet told me to.  Cocoa is not over weight at all.  She never was an overeater and she is not picky. I just spoiled her by giving her a cheese slice every once in a while, maybe some popcorn, or she liked raw green pepper strips sometimes. Not too much though.  

She started out two days ago vomiting with red little chunks like palmento olive size with alot of mucus.  That happened for about a day.  Yesterday she vomited early in the A.M. but no red specks. She does have very soft to diahrea bowl movements but is not eating a thing.  I have tried to offer her dry food, wet food, her cheese slice, toast, you name it, I've pulled out all of the stops on her but she's just not eating anything.  

Last night she jumped on my bed and started licking the comforter.  She usually does this and I know its somewhat normal but she was licking it for all it was worth and for a long long time.  Like she was trying to get some kind of nourishment out of it.  I had to stop her several times but she woke me up arount 3am this morning doing it again.  She still has not interest in food and is drinking alittle.  My vet isn't open this morning and I don't want to take her to the pet E.R. at this point.

Any suggestions please.

She is responsive but very slow and pittiful.  The eyes say it all....



The licking suggests to me that she is still having an allergy to something.  Possibly that she is not adjusting well to the food the vet gave you.  You really should NOT be feeding a toy poodle wet dog food.  They are notorious for having bad teeth and its the dry dog food that helps to clean the teeth. Is it possible that her teeth need to be cleaned?  That could be causing her to be sick.  I would be very worried since she is vomiting and especially with the mucus and what sounds like bloody chunks.  It could be possible that she has a stomach ulcer or a tumor and that could also be causing the licking too.  I probably wouldnt wait I would get her into the vet.  Call up your vet and see if they could get her in rather than going to the ER.  Some vets will do this for their patients.  If you are worried that she isnt eating you can take some Karro syrup or nutrical or something high calorie and rub it into her gums and that should help to perk her up.