Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > 1 yr old apricot toy poodle

1 yr old apricot toy poodle

20 10:34:52

QUESTION: i had a toy poodle for 13 years and she had to be put down because of cancer we got a new one and my husband beleives that me feeding her some table food like pork, cheese, etc. will kill her like my first poodle do u think it will?

ANSWER: Hi Angie,
Your poodle lived a nice long life of 13 years.  I don't think that eatting meat or cheese caused her cancer or shortened her life at all.  It's not going to hurt a thing and I like to share with my dogs ;0)


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i have allways heard that giving a poodle pork could make them sick is that true

chocolate (the darker the worse-baking cho is the worst), coffee beans, any thing w/caffeine, alcohol, grapes, raisins, onions, broccoli or garlic in large amounts, castor beans, apricot seeds, peach pits, apple seeds, plum pits, nutmeg, sugarless candy (xylitol)--- but pork is safe :0)