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House breaking on carpet

20 10:20:13

We have a 7 month old bichon-poo who has been kept on linoleum for the majority of her life.  We have successfully housebroken her; however, we've now taken the gate down that separates her from our carpeted rooms and we're having problems with her on the carpet.  I believe she thinks it's like grass and has no problems peeing or pooping on the carpet.  Have we waited too late for this, or do you have any solutions?

I really think it is a matter of her realizing the carpeted area is now part of her den and she shouldn't foul it.  Spend lots of time with her there and keep a close eye on her.  When you see the signs she needs to go out, take her out just as you did before.  I think she will figure it out before long.  Also watch carefully if she goes to the door leading out from the linoleum and promptly let her out.