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Mini poodle mix skin scales

20 10:32:39

Every night my poodle mix (not sure what she's mixed with) itches a bit and likes to move around, but in the morning the area where she slept on always has around 20 skin colored scales. I've felt all over her and can't seem to find a scab or anything. I'm not sure if the scales are from her skin, I don't know what they are. She doesn't have fleas or ticks either so I'm wondering if it may be a skin problem? Thanks.

Hello Megan,
There could be several reasons that your poodle mix is scratching.  If you don't see fleas or ticks, then she could have chiggers or other external parasites that she may be getting outside that is making her itch.  She could also be allergic to something that is making her itchy.  
You can try giving her 1/2 of a benedryl tablet to see if this helps stop her itching.  (give it to her about an hour before she goes to bed as it tends to make dogs sleepy)
You should also give her a bath with a medicated shampoo, and wash her bedding that she sleeps on.  

If this doesn't help, you can take her to your Vet and he can do a skin scrape in the area that she is itching to see if there is any bacteria that may be causing her to itch so much.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.

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