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poodle puppy shedding

20 10:18:08

Hi, I have an eight week old chocolate brown standard poodle puppy. I have taken him for a vet check and the vet said he was in very good health. My only concern is that he is shedding. My understanding was that poodles are a low shedding breed, but Oscar (my poodle) leaves hair on my clothes,and on the car seat. He has no bald patches, the only place where his hair is thin is under his front legs and on his tummy. The weather has been very hot, could the heat have caused him to shed or is normal for a young puppy to shed and leave hair where he has been? Thanks, Vicki.

Hello Vicki,
Poodles are suppose to be a Non-Shedding breed but some will shed a small amount that gets caught in their curls.  There could be a number of reasons that he is shedding.  You said he has no missing patches, but has he been itching or scratching?  I wouldn't think the heat would cause him to shed.  Do you think your Poodle could have something else in his background.  This mix could cause him to shed.  Mixed Breeds such as GoldenDoodles, or LabraDoodles, shed because they have Labs and Golden Retrievers mixed in.  I would be able to tell about your Poodle better if I had a picture of him.  
One thing you can do to help is to brush him twice a week with a pin brush so you don't damage his skin, and give him a Fish Oil tab (from Wild Caught Salmon) once a week to help his coat.  When he gets his adult coat in, it will be more course than his puppy coat and shouldn't shed, though you still should brush him about twice a week.   

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions about this, please feel free to ask.

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