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Height and weight for a miniature poodle

20 10:37:49

What is a good food to feed her? I have been feeding her Royal Canan and she has started to scratch and itch quite badly, and she has quite runny poops at least once or twice a week. I have been told that Innova Evo is good but nothing seems to fill her up. I want to keep her on a healthy diet.
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Hi. I have a grey, miniature poodle that is a rescue. I was told that she was a miniature but I am not sure. She is 12" high, has very long legs, her back length is 12 3/4" and she only ways 8lbs., 6 ozs.
Many people have said that she is probably mixed with somehting becuase of the long legs, but the poodle I saw the other day was identical except for the colouring. I guess my question is what is the appropriate weight and height for a miniature poodle?
Weight has no baring at all in poodles.  The variety of poodle is classified by height and that is all.  Toy poodles are 10 inches and under, Miniature poodles are over 10 inches to 15 inches, and standard poodles are over 15 inches.  These measurements are to the withers (shoulders) from the floor.  So yes in deed your poodle is a miniature.  You measure the length of a poodle from the point of the chest to to base of the tail.  If your poodle is indeed longer in the body then she isnt as long in the leg as you think.  The breed standard calls for a dog that is as long as it is tall.  This is what we refer to as "square".  Poodles are supposed to be leggy so anyone that is telling you that isnt what a poodle should look like has probably only seen these long bodied short legged doxy looking poodles that a lot of breeders are breeding now days.  However those types of poodles are NOT the breed standard.

Royal canan is usually a great food.  I know they say Evo is good and Canidea or however you spell that LOL.  Food is very much something that is individual.  SOme of my poodles do well on one food and some not.  I know flint river ranch is pretty good food and so is Biljac.  You could also look into feeding her a BARF (bones and raw food) diet.  There are a lot of sites out there on the net dedicated to the Barf diet as well as yahoo groups.  I am sure they could give you some great advise on that if you would like.