Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > what do i do when she dont go into heat

what do i do when she dont go into heat

20 10:31:39

My dog went into heat on 02/18/08 i was told she should go in heat every 6 mos. which should have been 08/18/08. however i have not seen any blood at all. what do i do? is there something wrong with my dog or am i misscounting the days incorrectly?

Hello Jequita,
You most likely did just miscount the days on her.
Most dogs come into heat every 6 months or so, but it can be off a bit.  
When a dog does come into heat you will first see blood.  After 9-11 days of bleeding, she will be ready to breed.  She will stay in breeding heat another 4-6 days or so, then go out of heat.
If she hasn't gone into heat after 8 months from her last heat, she most likely missed it (they don't usually miss a heat, but its not unheard of) just wait for the next one and count 6 months from that time.  

Well, I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions about this or other questions in general, please feel free to ask.

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