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Tooth problem with mimiature poodle pup

20 10:20:04

Hi, I have just taken my 8 week old Miniature poodle for its first vaccination and after examination found that his bottom right fang tooth has not erupted. The vet also said that the other side seems a little small.I don't know if the top fangs are correctly placed either. Have you ever seen any problems like this and could you explain how the top teeth should look. Should they lay inside the skin around the gums or out. I would be grateful for any advice as I am worried that my pup will have a serious problem. We only bought him 5 days ago from a registered breeder.

Hello Paula,
Sorry it took me a bit to get back to you.  I have been searching, but this is about all I could find about what a young puppys bite should look like.  It has been pulling up Dog Bites, not what the structure of the teeth should look like.  

You can help encourage the teeth to come in by giving your puppy things to chew on, such as old socks, Nylabone makes a great soft puppy bone that puppys love to chew that will encourage the teeth to start coming through the skin, or even giving your puppy raw chicken bones to knaw on.  You can also use your fingers to rub on the gums to help the teeth break through.  

The Canine teeth should be closer to the outside of the mouth rather than toward the inside.  You can send me Pics of his bite if you are concerned. My e-mail is  I will check and see what they look like.  You can also send a pic to your puppies breeder for them to take a look at.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other questions or concerns about this, or other Poodle questions in general, please feel free to ask me.