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miniture poodle pregnacy

20 10:22:29

I was wondering this is her first pregnacy how many puppys would she have and how would the puppys come out cause she got pregnate with my toy poodle her stomac is really round and when I apply my hand on here stomac I can feel her babies moving and she 60 days already what do I do..........

Hello Sonia,
There is no way to tell how many puppies are present unless you do an ultrasound from your Vet.  The puppies should be born around her 63rd day and the puppies should be born head first, but sometimes they can be breech (backwards) and this is harder on the female.  

You need to have your Vets number on hand just in case your dog would have problems.  
Most of the time, the female can have her babies on her own, but its good if you are present when she starts, through the time she is finished just so that you can help or call the Vet if she does have problems.  

In a normal situation, the puppy will start to come out and the mother will push until its fully out.  She will chew the umbicial cord off and will start licking the puppy.  Once the puppy is delivered, the mother will deliver the placenta (afterbirth) and may eat it.  Let her, as its very rich in nutrients and is healthy for her.  You can help her clean up the puppy if she will let you (use a towel and gently dry the puppy off) and then help the puppy get on a nipple.  
Watch for the next puppy.  

In an emergency situation, the puppy may need help coming out in which you can gently pull on the puppy when the mother is having a contraction (is pushing).  You may see the mother pushing and pushing but not producing a puppy.  If this happens, let her push for about 2 hours or so, but if you don't see a puppy after 2 hours of pushing, call your Vet and let them know.  

You may see a puppy that is born and isn't breathing.  You can try getting the mucus out of the puppies nose and mouth (use a baby nasal asperator or if you don't have one, use a small syringe and put it gently up the nose, then pull back the plunger to help remove the mucus),  next try sticking a needle or even a stick pin in the end of the puppies nose and leaving it there for several seconds (15-30 or until the puppy starts breathing) as this will sometimes start a puppy breathing, next you can try holding the puppy in your hand at about chest level and lowering your arm sharply twice (not too hard but hard enough to start breathing), lastly you can put your mouth over the puppies nose and mouth and give 2 gentle (very small like you would for a small infant) breaths.  Watch for the chest to rise and be sure to not give too big of a breath.  See if this helps the puppy start breathing.  Continue until the puppy starts breathing or several minutes have passed and you are sure the puppy isn't going to breathe on its own.
Sometimes a puppy is born dead and there isn't anything you can do to help it.  This is ok as its the way nature intends sometimes.  Its hard to see, but occasionally happens.  

In between the births, feel free to let the female out to potty if her labor has gone on for a long time.  If you see her start to push a baby out, let her and just clean it up when she gets back inside.  Also, offer her food and water often as delivering babies is hard on a mother.  

I hope this helps you some.  If you have other birthing questions or other Poodle questions in general, please feel free to ask.

Thanks for using,