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Ear infection.

20 10:38:43

Hi again.

Thank you so much for your help. I will try to locate the ingredients tomorrow.

I am still a bit hesitant about him having his ears plucked while the infection is so severe. He was brought up to let myself and members of my family touch and pluck his ears and to clean them but he wont let me anywhere near them and howls his head off when I clean the ear out with a Q-tip before applying the drops. Because of this, I was thinking if he had his ears plucked on Tuesday at the Groomers, he would be in a lot more pain. Do you think I should get his ears plucked on Tuesday or wait till the infection has cleared up? It is very severe and I keep getting out quite a lot of brown blood on the Q tip.

I dont want to agitate him because he has a bad Heart. But I am very worried. I was thinking of returning to the Vet tomorrow for another check up because his pain is worse?

We changed from our regular Groomer to one which has just opened up, was qualified to Groom poodles and only lived 10minutes away. But I'm returning to our old Groomer on Tuesday as these are very good.

Thank you again.  

You can try to clear it up without plucking the ears,but the problem is that it is the hair that harbors the yeast and bateria that causes the ear infections.  Which is why it is so important that the ears be plucked each and every grooming.  So regardless of pain it will have to be done and soon if you wish to kill the infection.  With the hair their it will not fully heal until the hair is gone.  I realize you do not wish to cause your poodle more pain or stress.  If your groomer will use some ear powder to help dry the ear out so the hair is easier to get it will cause less pain and you will be able to remove the hair completely and quickly.