Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > skin color change

skin color change

20 10:33:15

We have 2 white adopted poodles (unsure of age).  I began  bathing them with a whitening shampoo, and notice that their skin has changed to a blue/purple color! Is this normal?  Will it go away?  Could there be another cause?  thanks~Kerney

Hello Kerney,
This skin color is actually helping your dogs to protect them from Sunburn.  Since their skin is darker under the hair, her skin won't sunburn like dogs with fairer skin color.  

Her hair should remain white.  You might see a red tinge around her eyes, mouth and hind legs from the dark skin though.  This is an indication that her parents were of mixed colors (one parent was white and the other was most likely black or blue)
Sometimes that mixing causes the skin to be mixed color, while the coat stays a single color.  

I hope this has helped you some.  If you have other questions, please feel free to ask.

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