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clipping my toy poodle myself

20 10:36:17

I have a 4 month old toy poodle. I've been thinking about clipping her myself.
I'm starting to get confused about all the different blade sizes and the guide
comb sizes. Could you explain what these do? What length should the hair be on a
puppy clip? What blades and comb guides should be used to achieve the puppy
clip? Sorry for all the questions but the more I read the more confused I get.
Thank you for your help."

Your probably confused because the length of the cut and size of blade you use depends upon how long YOU want it to be.  There is no specific length that a cut should be.  Its up to you and how long you want to leave it and how much brushing you want to do.  I would urge beginners to NOT use the attach combs as they tangle very easy in the hair.  A coat has to be totally comb through prior to using one of the attach combs.  As far as what blade to use I have a groomer friend that will use a 3 blade for a puppy clip.  I personally scissor the puppy clip and do not use a blade except on the face and feet of the puppy.  I will use a 15 in the private areas and use a 30 on the face, feet and base of the tail.  If your dog is a light color you will want to start out with a 15 on the face to get them use to it so you dont burn them when you start using the 30 blade. If you are truly wanting to groom yourself I would HIGHLY recommend you get Shirlee Kalstone's Internation Guide to poodle grooming.  You can get it online at the discount book stores.  Most of us refer to it as our poodle bible.  There is a lot of great info in that book and she does a wonderful job of explaining the different cuts.  You wont be dissapointed.