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teacup puppy

20 10:36:18

QUESTION: I have a 10 wk old teacup. I never leave her at home for more than an hour or two. I am teacher and she comes to work with me. She has recently become more inclined to shiver and now her nose seems to be running. Is this normal? Also can I feed her too much nutrical?
ANSWER: I would be very concerned as this is NOT typical behavior and could be signs of hypoglycemia.  Small puppies like this need to be feed small meals 5-6 times a day to prevent problems.  I would get her into the vet right away and have her checked out.  Just on the net I can not tell you what the problem may be.  I would however, be very careful about giving her the nutrical.  Many of us have quit using it as it can cause major liver problems in small puppies.  I absolutely would not exceed the recommend amount written on the label.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have to admit I am a little sick to my stomach right now. I have taken her to three different vets now and everyone tells me something different. I havent read anything negative about nutrical. Right now she is on perscription science diet soft food and the nutrical. She also on occasion eats my big dog's food if there is a piece laying around. I dont know where to turn next. Should I have blood work done? I know due to her size even that is risky. Do you know of any resources, small dog clinics in the US that i could call and ask questions? Her vet is not in today so I will have to take her to different vet. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Well she needs to be on dry kibble not soft canned food.  With all the recalls I would be worried that maybe she has eaten something contaminated with the poison.  So that may be what is effecting her.  You would have blood work done and what I would be looking for are liver problems.  It is horribly common in the teacups for their to me a LOT of problems.  One reason I wish people would quit breeding them.  They just are NOT healthy.  No ofcourse you wouldnt read much negative on the nutrical because many vets are still recommending it HOWEVER the info is out there and it DOES (reguardless of believing me on that fact or not) cause liver damage.  I used to use it untill several vets told me not to with all the same reason.  It will damage the liver on smaller puppies.  The damage many not be seen for years however it still does the damage.  And if she is already having liver issues, such as a liver shunt, then I would not use it.  Use Karyo syrup instead to keep the blood sugar up if needed.  Also pedalite in plain flavor will help too.
I am sorry I do not know where to send you other than to your vet.  I dont know of anyone that specializes in the extreamely tiny.