Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > wieght of baby poodles

wieght of baby poodles

20 10:37:25

My minature poodle is going to have puppys and I just would like to know (on avg.) just how much do unborn pupps weight?

Do you mean how much do they usually weigh at birth?  There is no way to know how much an unborn puppy weighs.  Miniature poodle puppies usually weigh anywhere from 4-9 oz at birth.  It entirely depends upon how big the mother is, how big the father is, what their bone density is, how big their lines run, and how many puppies the mother is having.  The bigger the litter the less the puppies usually weigh.  There are so many factors that run into that it is impossible to know until they are born and you weigh them for the first time.  You will want to weigh them frequently as puppies should gain 1/2-1 oz per day.  If they are not gaining then you have a problem and will need to supplement the puppies.