Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Poodles > standard poodle puppy

standard poodle puppy

20 10:18:24

Hi Kim, I have a 5 1/2 month old poodle. My question is how far can I walk her at this age? We usually walk about a mile and a half. she does great, very active. I will eventually walk her around 4 miles at a time. At what age will this be ok for her?thanks

Hello Sandy,
Sorry it took so long for me to respond.  I have been sick with flu like symptoms and haven't been on the computer.  

If your dog is doing great on the walks you are taking now, and as long as you build her up to the 4 miles at a time, she should do wonderful.  Poodles are very versitle and can adapt to many different styles of exercise.  Mine love to run around outside and they get to often, but as I am not that active, a good toss of the toy keeps them happy.  

Just make sure that you watch your girl as you are walking.  If she is breathing ok, and the weather is comfortable for her then she should do fine.  Of course in warm weather bring water for her and also be knowledgable of the surfaces you walk on.  Too Cold or Too hot can hurt her foot pads.  

I hope this has helped you some.  If you have other questions about this, or other Poodle questions in general, please feel free to ask me.

Thanks for using,